
2011년 5월 26일 목요일

5/24 Talk about the seats for the elderly on the subway and buses

There are seats on subways and buses that are reserved for elderly, disabled, or pregnant people.
* be reserved for: ~을 위해 남겨두다.
ex> That table is reserved for a big birthday party at 7 PM.

They are located near the doors of the buses and at both ends of each subway car.
* subway car: 지하철 전동차
ex> There are sharp points at both ends of the stick.

Technically, they're supposed to be left available at all times for such people in need of a seat.
* technically: 엄밀히 말하자면, 원칙적으로는
* in need of: ~이 필요한
ex> There should always be a lifesaver available at all time at pools.

Some people will sit on them with the intention of giving them up.
* with the intention of: ~의 의도를 가지고

Koreans are very accommodating to senior citizens.
* accommodating: 배려하는,
* senior citizen: 어르신, 노인
ex> I love this salon because they're very accommodating to walk-in customers.

Others will be kind enough to offer to hold your bag in their laps for you.
* in one's lap: 무릎 위에
ex> The students quietly waited for their teacher with their hands folded in their laps.

@ That's playing with fire.  그건 위험한 행동이야.

1. These seats are reserved for the disabled.
2. The boat is round at both ends.
3. The family is in need of financial aid.
4. The cat was sitting in her laps.

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