
2011년 5월 8일 일요일

5/3 Talk about how people are coping with high oil price.

The price of crude oil has been going through the roof, hovering around $100 a barrel.
* go through the roof: 천정부지로 치솟다.
* hover around: ~선을 상회하다.
ex> The temperatures will be hovering around 20 degrees all week.

The international oil supply has been taking a hit with the turmoil in Libya.
* take a hit: 타격을 입다.
* turmoil: 혼란, 소란
ex> Farmers have been taking a hit with the bizarre weather messing up their crops.

Prices at the pump have been going up sharply.
* prices at the pump: 휘발류 가격  cf> pump: 주유기
ex> You should check the prices at the pump before filling up at the gas station.
ex> His grades started going up sharply with the help of a tutor.

There has been a significant drop in the number of cars on the streets.
ex> There has been a significant drop in crime with the increase in police patrol

You can see a lot more people resorting to public transportation or even bicycles.
* resort to: ~에 의지하다, turn to

Airline ticket prices have been shooting up as well.
* shoot up: 치솟다.
ex> The company's stock value started shooting up until it passed the $100 mark.

@ I'll do the legwork for you. 내가 여기저기 알아봐 줄께.

1. With the new album release, his popularity went through the roof.
2. Many industries took a hit because of the earthquake.
3. The increase in international oil prices directly affect prices at the pump.
4. Concert ticket prices shot up last year.

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