
2011년 5월 27일 금요일

5/25 Talk about what it's like driving in Korea.

One thing that many non-Koreans notice is the aggressiveness of drivers in Korea.
ex> Did you notice her aggressiveness that comes out every now and then?

There are many pushy drivers that will attempt to merge into your lane despite the lack of space.
* merge into a lane (= cut in)
* pushy: 밀어붙이는
ex> Just be nice and let others merge into your lane.

A lot of people are dead set on not letting anyone into their lanes.
* be dead set on: 기필코 ~하려고 하다.
* let someone into one's lane: 끼어드는 차에 양보해 주다.
ex> I'm dead set on buying this dress regardless of how expensive it is.

You have to aggressively cut in otherwise you'll miss your trun or exit.

You may get honked at, high beamed, or tailgated.
* honk: 경적을 울리다.
* tailgate: 뒤에 바짝 따라붙다.
ex> I changed lanes after I realized I was being tailgated by the driver behind me.

These tendencies can be worse during rush hour when the traffic becomes insane.
ex> The weather has become insane with global warming.

Some say that these driving habits are a result of a nation that has developed rapidly in as short time span.

It's important to not let the road conditions get you on edge.
* get somebody on edge: ~을 예민하게 만들다.

@ I can't wait to break it in.  빨리 직접 한번 사용해 보고 싶어.

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