
2011년 5월 31일 화요일

5/30 Talk about reserve army training in Korea.

Korean males are requried to dedicate two years of their lives serving in the military.
= Korean males have to serve in the military for little less than two years.
ex> I'm going to dedicate the next two hours to working out my homework.

Once those two years are up, they're not exactly in the clear.
* be in the clear: 완전히 해결되다.
ex> Time's up.

They are automatically assigned to the army reserve for seven years.
* army reserve: 예비군
* be assigned to: ~에 배속되다.
ex> Students are each assigned to a seat that they must sit in for the entire year.
ex> I'm four years into my army reserve obligation. 나는 예비군 4년차입니다.

There are mandatory reserve army training sessions annually.

The army reserve members go through drills to brush up on their combat skills.
* go through drills: 훈련을 받다.
* brush up on: ~을 가다듬다, 재정비하다.
ex> Firefighters go through drills all the time to practice for real fires.

This is done through basic military training, live-ammunition shooting practive, and tactics training through survival games.
* live-ammunition shooting practice: 실탄 사격 훈련.

Once the reserve army duties are completed, men move on to become members of civil defense units.
* civil defense unit: 민방위 부대
ex> Why don't you move on to the next chapter?

@ I want to branch out from what I'm doing now. 지금 하는 일에서 좀 더 뻗어 나가고 싶어.

1. I'm proud that my son is serving in the military.
2. I was assigned to a new department this year.
3. I have to attend reserve army training next week.
4. Let's move on to the next page.

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