
2012년 5월 16일 수요일

5/10 Weather

DIALOG>> I hate it when it rains like this.

A: God, I hate it when it rains like this.
B: I know. I don't like the rain either.
A: I remember when our neighborhood was flooded last year.
B: Yeah, it was pouring like crazy during the rainy season.
A: I hope it doesn't happen again this year.
B: I hope not.

RESPONSE>> Talk about a memorable incident you had due to weather conditions.

The monsoon season in Korea is getting more and more unpredictable, with last year seeing record rainfall in many places.
* record rainfall: 기록적인 강우량
* monsoon season: 장마철
* unpredictable: 예상하기 힘든
ex> The monsoon season in Korea seems to be prolonged these days.
ex> The weather is getting more and more unpredictable.
ex> Korea saw record rainfall last summer.

The rain wreaked havoc on our neighborhood, with many local businesses becoming completely flooded.
* wreak havoc on: 큰 혼란(피해)를 유발하다
= play havoc with, ruin
ex> The storm wreaked havoc on many coastal cities.
ex> Many houses became completely flooded due to the torrential rain.

Many locals lost their homes in the downpour.
* downpour: 폭우

Although this was a terrible time for the area, a very special sense of community emerged from the disaster.

Many people stepped up to help those who were affected.
* step up: 자원하다, take an action
ex> Many volunteers stepped up to help.

My wife and I dug deep to donate as much as we could to the relief effort.

It's only now that many of these people are getting back on their feet after the devastation.
* get back one one's feet: 재기하다, 재활하다
* devastation: 막대한 피해, 폐허.
ex> It took quite a while for the city to get back on its feet.

@ I can't stand the summer
여름 날씨를 정말 못 참겠어.

1. The weather pattern is becoming more and more unpredictable.
2. Korea saw record rainfall last year.
3. The earthquake wreaked havoc on the small town.
4. The government is helping people with bad credit to get back on their feet.

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