
2012년 5월 24일 목요일

5/22 Pets

DIALOG>> Do you have any pets?

A: Do you have any pets?
B: I've had a cat for two years.
A: Really? I thought you liked dogs.
B: I do. I love them, but cats are great too.
A: Do your family members like cats as well?
B: My mom used to be scared of them, but she gets along fine with our cat now.
* cat/dog person: 고양이/개를 좋아하는 사람
* get along with: ~잘 어울리다

RESPONSE>> Talk about an incident you had with your pet.

I've only had goldfish as pets at home because I'm allergic to animal fur.
* be allergic to: ~에 알레르기가 있다
ex> Some people are allergic to peanuts.

I sometimes even get rashes if I'm around cats or dogs for too long.
ex> I got rashes after I ate the cheese.

Goldfish are quite easy to keep as pets because they stay in the fish tank and don't make a mess at all.
* make a mess: 엉망으로 만들다, 어지럽히다
ex> He made a mess in the kitchen while he was cooking.

One thing to bear in mind is that you should feed them every day.
* bear in mind: keep in mind, remember, 기억하다

The only problem I ever had with my goldfish before was when some of them died one after another.
* one after another: 잇따라, 차례대로
ex> I've been making mistakes one after another today.

It was because the water got dirty and because there wasn't enough air in the tank.

This incident taught me a lesson that keeping pets comes with a big responsibility.
* teach someone a lesson: 교훈을 주다
* come with a big responsibility: 큰 책임이 따르다
ex> She taught me a lesson that I've never forgotten.
ex> All privileges come with responsibility.

@ You have to put your dog on a leash.
개는 줄에 묶어야 해.
* leash: (개를 묶어 두는) 가죽끈, 줄

1. I'm allergic to seafood.
2. She got rashes because of the cat.
3. My dog always makes a mess in my room.
4. They arrived at the scene one after another.

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