
2012년 5월 3일 목요일

5/2 Police Station

DIALOG>> I had to go to the police station yesterday.

A: I had to go to the police station yesterday.
B: What for?
A: My son got into a fight.
B: What? Was he in a lot of trouble?
A: Fortunately not! They just let him go with a warning.
B: That's a relief.
* get into a fight: 싸움에 휘말리다
* warning: 경고
ex> I was let go with a warning.

RESPONSE>> Have you ever gone to a police station? Why did you have to go there? What was it like at the police station?

The only time I had to go to a police station was because of a traffic accident that I was involved in.
* be involved in: ~에 연루되다
ex> I was involved in a project that went on for 6 months.

Well, I say involved in, but I was actually just a passenger in a taxi that hit a motorcycle.

The police arrived on the scene in a matter of minutes.
* arrive on the scene: 현장에 도착하다
* in a matter of minutes: 금방, 몇 분 내로
ex> He arrived there in a matter of minutes.

They wanted to get statements from eye-witnesses because the motorcyclist (biker) was badly injured.
* eye-witness: 목격자
* get a statement: 진술서를 받다
ex> I needed to get statements from people who were involved.
ex> Eye-witnesses play a key role in resolving disputes.
ex> He was badly injured from the fall.

The officers were very polite and asked me to bear with them while they arranged the paperwork for the statement.
* arrange the paperwork: 서류 양식을 준비하다
* bear with someone: ~을 참고 견디다
ex> I need to do a lot of paperwork tonight.

I gave them my statement as concisely as I could.
* concisely: 정확하게

The atmosphere at the police station was not what I imagined it to be; it wasn't frightening at all.

@ I was pulled over by a police officer.
경찰 단속에 걸렸어.
I ran a red light.  빨간 불을 무시하고 지나갔거든.

1. He was involved in a match-fixing scandal.
2. The driver was badly injured in the accident.
3. Finding eye-witnesses was the most important.
4. Fire truck arrived on the scene in a matter of minutes.

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