
2012년 5월 17일 목요일

5/14 Music

DIALOG>> Are you using your cell phone to listen to music?

A: What are you listening to?
B: Oh, I'm listening to Lady Gaga.
A: Are you using your cell phone to listen to music.
B: Yes, I am. It's really convenient because I carry my cell phone around everywhere.
A: I guess your're right. Smartphones are so useful these days.
B: Uh-huh. They come in handy for so many different purposes.
* come in handy: 편리하다
ex> It might come in handy someday.

RESPONSE>> People use different devices to listen to music. What kind of gadgets do they use?

Most people these days listen to music on their MP3 players or cell phones.

Personally, I use my cell phone because I carry it around everywhere.
ex> The laptop is compact enough to carry around.

Instead of having to carry a separate music player, a cell phone is now the ultimate all-in-one device.
* all-in-one device: 하나로 모든 것이 해결되는 장비
ex> This all-in-one tablet PC has everything including a camera.

Just 10 years ago CD players were all the rage but they have pretty much disappeared now.
* be all the rage: 인기가 높다
ex> The device is all the rage among young people.

Music is now stored in digital file format on a built-in memory source.
* built-in memory: 내장형 메모리
ex> You can store almost any kind of data in digital file format.

A person can store thousands of songs on a single device.

CD players and cassette players used to be bulky but MP3 players are much smaller and lighter.
* bulky: 덩치가 큰, 투박한
ex> The luggage is bulky but light in weight.

The sound quality of digital music is getting better although CDs technically have better quality.
* technically: 기술적으로

@ I need to charge my MP3 player.
내 MP3 플레이어를 충전해야 해.
It's completely dead. It won't turn on.

1. She always carries around her wallet.
2. This book comes in handy when I'm studying English.
3. Miniskirts will be all the rage this summer.
4. Please prepare the document in digital file format.

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