
2012년 5월 20일 일요일

5/18 Technology

DIALOG>> Technology changes so fast.

A: Technology changes so fast.
B: Tell me about it.
A: It's hard to adjust sometimes.
B: Think about mobile banking.
A: Yeah, you  don't even have to go to the bank anymore.
B: Uh-huh. You can transfer money on the move.
* on the move: 이동중에
* transfer money: 돈을 이체하다 (= wire money)

RESPONSE>> How has the technology changed over the years? What are the biggest differences in comparison to the past?

I am a college student, so I use the library quite often.

One of the biggest changes that has occurred at school is in the library.

The system for borrowing books now is very different from how it used to be in the past.
* borrow books: 도서를 대출하다, = check out books
ex> I borrowed some books to read on my trip.

The whole process used to be painstakingly slow.
* painstakingly: 괴로울 만큼, 힘들여
ex> Traffic can be painstakingly slow on Friday evenings.

The librarian would have to manually log the book's title and author separately into the system and stamp the return date on the inside of the cover.
* manually log: 수작업으로 입력하다
ex> They manually logged the numbers into the system.
ex> When is the return date of the book?

Nowadays the process is a piece of cake.
* a piece of cake: 누워서 떡 먹기

The book's barcode is scanned and that's it.

As long as you have your student ID, checking out a book takes a matter of seconds.
* take a matter of seconds: 눈 깜짝할 사이에 이루어지다, 시간이 별로 안 걸리다
* check out a book: 책을 대출하다
ex> It's free to check out a book from the library.
ex> The whole process finished in a matter of seconds.

Searching for books has gotten a lot easier thanks to digital technology.
ex> Using email has gotten a lot easier thanks to smartphones.

@ Technology is evolving.  기술이 진화하고 있어.

1. I borrowed many books from him.
2. It's very difficult to manually log the data.
3. Can I check out a book from the library?
4. He solved the problem in a matter of seconds.

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