
2012년 5월 20일 일요일

5/16 Health

DIALOG>> Take care of your health.

A: You look like you need some rest.
B: Yeah, I've pulling all-nighters this week.
A: Why? Do you have a lot to do?
B: I have to meet a deadline this week.
A: Oh, really? Take care of your health.
B: Thanks. I am trying to at least eat well.
* pull an all-nighter: 밤을 새우다
* meet a deadline: 마감을 맞추다
ex> Take care of you health while you still have it.

RESPONSE>> What makes a person healthy? Why do you think that way?

There are many things that make a person healthy, but I think that food an exercise are the most important.

The saying "you are what you eat" is something I totally believe in.
* you are what you eat: 먹는 것이 그 사람을 만든다
ex> It's really important to believe in yourself.

If a person eats healthy foods, then it's more likely that he/she will be healthy.
ex> You must eat healthy and get some exercise.

Another obvious point is that people who exercise regularly are going to be healthier than people who are couch potatoes.
* couch potato: 소파에 누워서 TV만 보는 사람
ex> Couch potatoes are more likely to suffer overweight problems.

There are countless studies that back up these theories that are pretty much undisputable.
* back up: ~을 뒷받침하다, 지지하다
* undisputable = indisputable (more common): 반박할 수 없는

Of course, sleep, rest, stress level and one's mindset also determine how healthy someone is.
* mindset: 정신 상태
ex> You need to change your mindset.
ex> The amount of work often determines one's stress level.

Lack of sleep and high stress levels can be harmful for one's health.
* lack of sleep: 수면 부족, = deprive of sth
ex> My eyes feel heavy because of lack of sleep.
ex> Crash diets can be harmful for your health.

@ I don't feel as I used to.  몸이 예전 같지 않아.

1. I don't believe in what he can do.
2. He advised me to eat healthy.
3. I am a total couch potato and never exercised.
4. Stress is harmful for your health.

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