
2012년 5월 26일 토요일

5/24 Computer Games

DIALOG>> I can't stop playing.

A: What are you playing?
B: It's a new role playing game that's just out.
A: Is it fun?
B: Oh, you bet! I can't stop playing.
A: Try not to get too hooked on it.
B: I think I already am. All I think about is this game.
* be out: 나오다, 출시되다
* get hooked on: 중독되다

RESPONSE>> What are some ways to prevent kids from playing computer games excessively.

Excessive gaming can lead to poor academic performance at school.
ex> Excessive gaming is a big problem among teenagers.

It can also encourage bad behavior as many games are violent.
ex> The game was banned because it could encourage bad behavior.

It isn't possible to do away with computer games completely but parents can take several approaches to help kids play games less.
* do away with: ~없이 살아가다

One simple method is to impose a limit on how long their children can play computer games.
* impose a limit on: ~에 제한을 두다
ex> My mother imposed a limit on the amount of money I could spend a month.

If these rules are enforced strictly, excessive gaming can be stopped at once.

However, it doesn't really solve the root of the problem.
* the root of the problem: 문제의 근원
ex> We need to solve the root of the problem.

Kids usually play games because they have nothing else to do.
ex> I hung out with friends because I had nothing else to do.

Finding something else for them to do like sports or arts is a better long term solutions to the game addiction problem.
ex> The youth center helps students find long term solutions to game addiction.

@ Be careful not to become addicted to computer games.
컴퓨터 게임에 중독되지 않도록 조심해.

1. I am worried about my son's poor academic performance.
2. You should not encourage bad behavior among students.
3. We found a solution to the root of the problem.
4. The government imposed a limit on how much conglomerates can invest in their affiliates.

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