
2012년 7월 14일 토요일

7/10 Naeng-bang-byung

DIALOG>> It's sweltering hot today.

A: Gosh, it's sweltering hot today.
B: Yeah, I know. It's good that we have the A/C on here at full blast.
A: Well, it's better than outside but I get a headache here sometimes.
B: Oh, maybe you should go outside and get some fresh air.
A: You're right, maybe I should do that.
B: Drink a cup of tea too. That will help.

RESPONSE>> Talk about 'naeng-bang-byung'.

It's that time of year again, where you crank up your air-conditioners.
* crank up: 세게 틀다
ex> It's that time of season to pull out your heavy winter coasts.
ex> He cranked up the volume too high.

Korean summers are especially difficult to cope with because it gets very hot and sticky.
ex> It could be difficult to cope with the death of your pets.

I can't even imagine getting by a single day without air conditioning during the summer.
* get by: 살아남다, 잘 해내다
ex> How can you get by on such a small salary?

However, too much air conditioning can cause some health issues.

This syndrome is called 'naeng-bang-byung.' or some might call it, air-conditioningitis.
* some might call it: 불리는

It's probably caused by your body's inability to deal with the difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors.
ex> It's very important to know how to deal with stress.

The symptoms of naeng-bang-byung are very similar to a common cold; headache, runny nose, fatigue and chills.

In order to avoid naeng-bang-byung, you should limit your exposure to the air conditioning and increase your exposure to the sun as much as you can.
* limit one's exposure to: ~에의 노출을 제한하다
ex> You must limit your exposure to the sun.
ex> You need to practice speaking as much as you can.

@ It feels really stuffy in here.  이 안의 공기가 좀 탁한 것 같아.

1. Please don't crank up the volume too high.
2. I cannot get by without my smartphone.
3. School violence in Korea is very difficult to deal with.
4. Try to drink water as much as you can.

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