
2012년 7월 23일 월요일

7/23 Korean Wedding

DIALOG>> My girlfriend is dragging me to her friend's wedding.
A: What are your plans this weekend?
B: My girl friend is dragging me to her friend's wedding.
A: You don't sound very excited. YOu don't like weddings?
B: They're ok. But my girl friend gives me a gard time afterwards.
A: She wants to get married soon, huh?
B: Yes. She's pressuring me about it.
RESPONSE>> Describe a typical Korean wedding.
The typical Korean wedding is held at a wedding hall or a hotel ballroom.
* ballroom: 볼룸, 무도회장
ex> The 2012 Olympics will be held in London.
Instead of gifts, it is customary for guests to give money in envelopes.
* customary: 관습의, 상습적인
ex> It's customary to bow to your elders.
The ceremony usually lasts only 20 minutes or so.
ex> My cellphone battery lasts for a long time.
The bride and groom wear wedding attire and the mothers wear traditional han-bok.
* wedding attire: 결혼 예복
Unlike American weddings, there are no bridesmaids or best men.
* bridesmaid: 신부 들러리
* best men: 신랑 들러리
Also, the bouquet toss is totally staged.
* be staged: 연출되다
ex> Professional wrestling matches are staged.
ex> They staged people for the photo.

A bride will pick who catches the bouquet beforehand.
* beforehand: 미리, 사전에
* snap: (사진을) 촬영하다, shoot,

A wedding photographer will snap lots of photos of the occasion and sometimes there is a videographer.
After the ceremony, guests will be served food.
ex> The dinner will be served shortly.

The couple and their parents go around to each guest table to express their gratitude to all the guests.
* express one's gratitude: 감사를 표하다
 ex> Let's go around and say hi.

@ I'd like to make a toast to your happiness! 너의 행복을 위해 건배하고 싶어!
1. Where will the next WBC be held?
2. Summer colds can last for a long time.
3. I think the crying part was staged.
4. Breakfast won't be served this morning.

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