
2012년 7월 16일 월요일

7/16 Boryeong Mud Festival

DIALOG>> Have you heard of the Boryeong Mud Festival?

A: Have you heard of the Boryeong Mud Festival?
B: Oh yeah, I've heard of it but never been.
A: I was there last year and it was so much fun.
B: Are you going to go this year again?
A: You bet! I'm there! You should come.
B: I will!

RESPONSE>> Talk about the boryeong Mud Festival.

If you're here in Korea, whether for business or pleasure, there is a good chance that you've heard about the Boryeong Mud Festival.
ex> I'm sure there is a good chance of rain tomorrow.

This is an annual festival that takes place during the summer in Boryeong city.
ex> The meeting won't take place this morning.

Already in its 15th year, this festivity keeps reeling in huge crowds from all over the world.
* reel in: 끌어들이다
ex> This blockbuster movie is reeling in a lot of moviegoers.
ex> He quickly reeled in the fish.

The mud used in the festival is actually taken from mud flats in Boryeong.

Then it's trucked to Daecheon beach, the main stage for this festival.
* truck: 트럭으로 나르다
ex> Portable houses were trucked to the new location.

This mineral-rich mud supposedly makes for healthier skin.
* supposedly: 아마, 알려지길
* make for: 기여하다, ~에 도움이 되다
ex> If you exercise more, it could make for better sleep.
ex> These cheetahs were supposedly tame.

There are a lot of attractions you can enjoy there.

You can jump into a mud pool, slide down a mudslide and enjoy mud body painting.

Don't just take my world for it. See for yourself!
* take one's word: ~의 말을 믿다
* see for oneself: (자신이) 직접 보다
ex> Why don't you take your mom's word for it?
ex> Last time I took your word, my girlfriend dumped me.

@ Your skin looks amazing!  너 피부 좋아 보이는데!

1. There is a good chance your computer has malicious codes.
2. Where does your wedding ceremony take place?
3. The newest smartphone is reeling in a lot of customers.
4. Wearing a helmet makes for better safety.

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