
2012년 7월 3일 화요일

7/2 Saju Cafe

DIALOG>> I went to one of those fortune-telling places.

A: How was your weekend?
B: It was alright. Oh, I went to one of those fortune-telling places.
A: Really? I've always wanted to go there. How was it?
B: Well, it was totally different than I thought.
A: What do you mean?
B: It was like one of those coffee shops.

RESPONSE>> Talk about Saju Cafes in Korea.

Despite Korea being one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, fortune telling is still a big part of Korean culture.
ex> My father is a big part of my life.

There are many different methods of fortune telling, but saju is the most common one.
* fortune telling: 점, 점술

Saju literally means the four pillars of destiny.
* literally: 글자 뜻대로, 정확히, (강조) 정말, 그야말로
ex> I'm literally in a pickle right now.  난 지금 정말 곤경에 처했어
ex> I can literally eat a horse.
* the four pillars of destiny: 운명의 네 기둥

It's a way of looking into your future by using your year, month, date, and the time of your birth.
* look into one's future: ~의 미래를 들여다 보다, examine carefully
ex> I'll look into that.

In the past, middle-aged women or housewives were the main customers for fortune-telling houses.
ex> Cellular phones in the past were very bulky.
* main customer: 주 고객
cf> regular: 단골 ex> He's one of our regulars.

But now the younger population is flocking to fortune-telling houses called Saju Cafes.

Conventional ones are known to have bit of a scary atmosphere.
ex> This cafe has good foods and great atmosphere.
cf> mood: personal feeling, 사람의 느낌을 말한다

saju Cafes, however, are very modern and stylish.

Your fortune is told over a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
ex> We can have our meeting over tea today.

They are more approachable to younger generations.
ex> I bought this camera because it is more approachable.

@ You create your own destiny.  자신의 운명은 스스로 만들어 가는 거야.

1. Money is not a big part of my life.
2. I'm so hungry, I can literally eat a horse.
3. Let's talk about our vacation plan over breakfast.
4. Posting a video on YouTube is more approachable than you think

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