
2012년 7월 16일 월요일

7/13 Neighbor

DIALOG>> Welcome to the neighborhood!

A: Hi, I haven't seen you around. You must be new here.
B: Yes, I just moved into my apartment yesterday.
A: Nice to meet you. And welcome to the neighborhood!
B: Thank you so much.
A: Well, give me a ring if you need anything. I live right above you.
B: Yeah, I will. I appreciate it.

RESPONSE>> Talk about being a good neighbor.

There is a saying, 'good fences make good neighbors.'

It basically means that being considerate and respectful is the best way to be a good neighbor.
ex> He can be rude sometimes, but is basically a good person.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets along with their neighbors.
* get along: 친하게 지내다
ex> It's really hard to get along with all of your neighbors.

In Korea, the most common complaint is that you can hear everything through the walls and floors.

You may find your neighbor keeps late hours or walks too loudly.
* keep late hours: 밤 늦게 일을 하다, 밤 늦게 자다
ex> High school students usually keep late hours and study all night.

Maybe your neighbor is renovating his/her house and that's causing loud drilling sounds.
* renovate: 수리하다, 수선하다

Whatever the case may be, it's good to be friendly and let your neighbors know and apologize in advance about the inconvenience.
* whatever the case may be: 어떤 경우든지
ex> I'm not going to let you go alone, whatever the case may be.

You can keep complaints from neighbors at bay by being considerate and respectful.
* keep at bay: 저지하다, 막다
ex> Does having an apple a day keep illness at bay?

You should treat others as you'd like to be treated!

@ It's driving me nuts.  너무 짜증 나.

1. Basically, you just add kimchi and water then boil.
2. Do you get along well with your relatives?
3. You shouldn't keep late hours.
4. Keep your worries at bay with our security system.

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