
2012년 7월 12일 목요일

7/5 Dental Clinic

DIALOG>> I have a dentist appointment.

A: Hey, do you want to grab lunch together?
B: I wish I could, but I have a dentist appointment.
A: Ouch! That doesn't sound fun. I hate going to the dentist.
B: Yeah, same here. But I haven't gone in over a year.
A: That reminds me, I should get a check-up too.
B: You should!

* appointment: (의사, 변호사등 공식적인) 만남, 약속
cf> plan: 친구와 만남 e.g. I have plans to meet my friends.
ex> Don't you have a doctor's appointment today?

RESPONSE>> Describe a dental clinic in detail.

Most people dread going to the dentist.
* dread: 싫어하다, 무서워하다
ex> She dreads seeing her in-laws.

But, we all need to get a check-up once in a while to make sure our teeth are in good condition.
* check-up: 건강 검진, 점검
ex> She goes on trips once in a while.

When you show up at the dentist's office, the receptionist greets you and confirms your appointment.
* show up: 나타나다, 도착하다
* receptionist: 접수원
ex> Would you please confirm my reservation?

Then you'll take a seat in the waiting room.

When it's your turn, the dental assistant will take you to the exam chair and put a bib on you.
* dental assistant: 치과조무사
* bib: 턱받이
ex> Now, it's my turn to sing.
ex> Isn't it your turn to speak now?

When the dentist examines your mouth and checks the health of your teeth and gums, just relax.

If you're lucky, you won't have any cavities or problems.

When the check-up is over, you can pay at the front desk.

Remember, the best way to avoid extra fees is taking care of your teeth and gums regularly.
ex> You need to take better care of your body.
ex> Getting a physical exam regularly will keep serious illnesses at bay.

* root canal: 신경치료
* brace: 치아 교정기

@ I'd like to have my teeth cleaned.  스케일링을 하고 싶은데요.
cf> walk-in: 예약이 안된, 예약이 필요없는
ex> a walk-in interview: 즉석 인터뷰

1. The students dreaded taking the exam.
2. We all need to take a break once in a while.
3. I think it's your turn to do the dishes.
4. I have an appointment with my lawyer this afternoon.

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