
2012년 7월 20일 금요일

7/20 Commute

DIALOG>> I just walk to work.

A: Do you live far from work?
B: Yes. I live about an hour away.
A: Do you commute by subway?
B: No, I take the bus. How about you?
A: I live nearby. Luckily, I just walk to work.
B: Lucky you.

RESPONSE>> Talk about how people commute in Korea.

The public transportation system is Korea is excellent.

Most people commute to work by subway or bus.
ex> How long is your commute?

During morning rush hour, the subway can be packed and bustling with people.
* bustling: 분주히 움직이는
ex> Morning rush hour is from 7 am to 10 am.

Passengers on their way to work squeeze into cars and it's hard to find a seat.
* squeeze: 비집고 들어가다, 헤치고 나아가다
* on one's way: ~로 가는 길에
ex> I'm on my way to work.
ex> Your package is on its way to the airport.

But the subway is quick and convenient.

You don't have to wait long and it's very efficient.
* efficient: 효율적인
ex> Electric cars are efficient and don't pollute the environment.

Buses are a good option as well.

You may have to wait in line, but they come often.
* wait in line: 줄을 서서 기다리다 cf> cut in line: 새치기하다

Not to mention, buses have their own lane in the street.
* not to mention: ~은 말할 것도 없고
ex> He's a good husband. Not to mention, a great father as well.

If you're a driver, traffic can be a nightmare.

It's always bumper to bumper during rush hour.
* bumper to bumper: 교통이 정체된, 차가 움직이지 않고

Whatever means you use, it's best to leave early in case of heavy traffic.
ex> I'll bring an umbrella in case it rains.

@ It was a nightmare.  완전 악몽이었어.

1. She was late because of her long commute to work.
2. Rush hour on Friday night is very busy.
3. Our team should be more efficient.
4. I want to leave early in case of traffic.

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