
2012년 10월 25일 목요일

10/24 Korean Pear

Talk about Korean pear.

1. nothing beats: ~가 최고이다
ex> Nothing beats eating watermelon in the shade during summer.
ex> Nothing beats book-uh-guk when you have a hangover.

2. counterpart: 상대, 다른쪽
ex> The soldiers worked alongside their American counterparts.
ex> The local scientists mingled with their foreign counterparts.

3. for one thing: 한 가지는, 첫째로
ex> For one thing, that dress and shoes are hideous!
cf> hideous [|hɪdiəs]: 끔찍한, a hideous crime

4. unlike: ~와 다른
ex> Unlike you, I don't eat meat.

5. succulent [|sʌkjələnt]: 과즙이 많은, juicy, soggy
ex> The meat was tender and succulent.

6. as is: 있는 그대로
ex> I'll eat the French fries as is, since I don't like ketchup.
ex> The salad is eaten as is, without dressing.

* treat: 별미, 기쁨을 주는 것
* in-season: 제철인
* plump: 통통한, 불룩한,ex> plump tomato
* tinge: 엷은 색, 기미, 기운 ex> to feel a tinge of envy
* speckled: 반점이 있는
* irresistible: 거부할 수가 없는
* take a bite: 한 입 먹다
* ripe: 익은
* can't help oneself: 어쩔 수 없다
* gobble: ~을 통채로 삼키다, 게걸스럽게 먹다
* on the spot: 즉석에서

@ My taste buds are dancing.  정말 맛있다.

1. Nothing beats reaching your goals.
2. For one thing, you haven't finished your homework.
3. Unlike her, your English is perfect.
4. Can you just give it to me as is?

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