
2012년 10월 8일 월요일

10/5Seoul International Fireworks Festival

Talk about the Seoul International Fireworks Festival.

1. a great time to: ~할 좋은 때
ex> Now is a great time to start your own business.

2. don't feel like: ~할 기분이 아니다
ex> I don't feel like going to the movies right now.

3. be held: 열리다, 개최되다
ex> Where is the next Summer Olympics going to be held?
ex> The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held in Brazil.

4. draw in: 끌어들이다, 유인하다
ex> Psy's concert drew in a large crowd.

5. might want to: ~하는 것이 좋을 것이다.
ex> It's too late. You might want to go home now.

6. kick off: 시작하다.
ex> The 2014 World Cup is scheduled to kick off in Brazil.

* festivity: 축제, 행사
* throughout: 도처에, 내내
* pyrotechnician: 불꽃 전문가
* masterpiece: 명작, 작품,

@ I got a cast.  나 깁스했어.

1. It's a great time to go camping.
2. I don't feel like eating right now.
3. The wedding reception will be held right now.
4. You might want to pay with cash.

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