* alarming: 걱정스러운, 놀라운
ex> Blood in stool and lose in body weight are alarming sign of colon cancer.
* toll: 사상자 수, 피해, 손해
ex> The death toll of the tsunami reached 100 people.
* raise awareness: 인식을 높이다, 경각심을 일깨우다
ex> They are trying to raise awareness about the issue of pollution.
* advocate: 지지자, 옹호자
ex> There are many advocates of the new law in Congress.
* reason behind: ~이면의 이유 ex> Scientists have discovered that there is a reason behind this uncontrollable behavior.
* deep-rooted: 뿌리 깊은, (=deep-seated) ex> Long-term solutions to a deep-rooted problem.
* relentless [rɪ|lentləs]: 사정없는, 가혹한
ex> He faced a relentless amount of attacks from the media.
* stigma: 오명
* psychiatrist: 정신과 의사 cf> psychologist: 심리학자
@ Every cloud has a silver lining. 아무리 안 좋은 상황에서도 좋은 면이 있는거야.
1. The documentary was very shocking and alarming.
2. The mothers wanted to raise awareness about drunk driving.
3. They are advocates of the Congressional candidate.
4. In high school, students have a relentless amount of studying to do.
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