
2013년 2월 5일 화요일

PE 2/4 A Whale of a Graduation

* a whale of: 엄청나게 큰, 굉장한
ex> The house of the mayor was a whale of a castle.
cf> have a whale of a time: 즐거운 시간을 보내다.  ex> The children had a whale of a time at the beach and didn't want to go home.

1. my mind [memory] plays tricks on me: 잘 기억하지 못하다, 긴가민가하다
ex> Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, I started working for this company a month or two after I got out of the army.

2. keep ~to oneself: 비밀로 하고 아무에게도 말하지 않다
ex> The boss is in a really bad mood today. Stay out of his way and keep all of your questions to yourself!

3. get ~ going: 흥분해서 이야기하게 하다
ex> He is a wild man once you get him going.

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