
2013년 2월 28일 목요일

2/26 Boi Tea

* pick up: ~을 사다
ex> I picked up this scarf from a thrift store for two bucks.
cf> thrift store: 중고가게

* a handful of: 몇 안되는, 많지 않은  ex> Only a handful of people came.

* get one's hands on: 손에 넣다
ex> I can't wait to get my hands on the new smartphone.

* brew  [bru:]: brew tea or coffee, you make it by pouring hot water over tea leaves or ground coffee.  (차를) 끓이다  ex> freshly brewed coffee
ex> Always let tea brew for a few minutes.

* tricky: 까다로운, 애매한
ex> There were a lot of tricky questions on the test.

* optimal: 최적의
ex> What is the optimal temperature for brewing coffee?

* preheat: 예열하다, 미리 데우다  ex> Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

* rinse: 헹구다, 씻어내다
ex> These tools have to be rinsed in alcohol.

* discard: 버리다, 폐기하다

* steep: 우려내다, 담그다(soak)  ex> Steep seeds in water before sowing.

@ It does a body good!  몸에 좋습니다.
ex> I'm sure a few days off would do you a power of good.

1. Can you pick up some roasted chestnuts for me, please?
2. She finally got her hands on a new car.
3. We have a very tricky problem on our hands.
4. I want to rinse my face in the sink.

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