
2013년 2월 5일 화요일

2/4 Ipchuncheop

* Jack Frost: a personification of frost or winter, 동장군

cf> tackle with Jack Frost
ex> Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.

* nip at: ~을 할퀴다, 물다
ex> The cold wind nipped at my face.
ex> A huge dog tried to nip at my heels.
cf> nipping: sharp and biting
a nipping [cutting, biting, piercing] wind: 살을 에는 듯한 찬바람

* wearisome [|wɪərisəm]: very tiring and boring, or frustrating
ex> a long and wearisome journey
ex> He has the most wearisome job in the world.

* hand-calligraphed: 손으로 쓴

* put up: 붙이다, 걸다
ex> They put up a sign that says "No smoking."

* happen to be: 우연히 ~이다, 마침 ~이다
ex> He happens to be my brother.

@ I've been waiting for it forever.  정말 오랫동안 기다려 왔어.

1. My cat nipped at my toes.
2. That was such a wearisome movie.
3. Do you guys celebrate Halloween in Korea?
4. Today happens to be my birthday.

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