
2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Kiss Needles Goodbye?

* norm: 표준, 일반적인 것
* quaint  [kweɪnt]: 진기한, 예스러운   ex> quaint old customs
* barbaric: 야만적인
* administer: (약을) 투여하다, (주사를) 놓다

* bear out: ~이 사실임을 증명하다, confirm
ex> The other witnesses will bear out what I say.
ex> I always said she'd  do well. John will bear me out on this.

* robust: 튼튼한, 원기 왕성한
ex> a robust piece of equipment  튼튼한 장비 하나
ex> She was almost 90, but still very robust.

* revolutionize: to cause great changes in the way that it is done.

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