
2013년 2월 23일 토요일

2/22 Jeongwol Daeboreum

* full moon: 보름달
* dry grass: 건초
* tradition: 전통
ex> It's our family tradition to eat ogokbap on Daeboreum.

* ridges between rice paddies: 논두렁
* pine cone: 솔방울
* tin can
* twirl around: 빙빙 돌리다
ex> He twirled spaghetti around his fork.

* crack: 깨다, 부수다
ex> There's got to be a better way to crack these nuts.

@ It's quite a scene.  꽤 멋진 광경이야.
It's quite a (view/movie/person)

1. He twirled the noodles around his chopsticks.
2. You're supposed to read two chapters.
3. He cracked open a coconut with his hands.
4. This game will keep him busy.

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