
2013년 2월 4일 월요일

PE 1/31 Rockefeller Center

1. full on: ~로 가득한, 최고[최대]의
ex> This breakfast is full on! Bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs, muffins, and steak!

2. all thumbs: 젬병인, 손이 서투른
ex> You'd better not give me that hammer. I am all thumbs.

3. in the moment: 그 순간에
ex> When we are together, I can just sit and stare at her for hours; lost in the moment.

* shout-out: (신조어): (방송에서 하는) 인사, 안부의 말
ex> I'd like to send a shout-out to my partners back in the neighborhood.

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