
2013년 2월 14일 목요일

2/12 The Green Climate Fund

* address: 다루다, 고심하다, 이야기하다
ex> We need to address this problem.
ex> We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.

* combat: 싸우다, 대처하다
ex> We are trying to combat the rise in school violence.

* drought: 가뭄
* heat waves:  a continuous spell of abnormally hot weather

* pledge: make a serious promise to do something,
ex> Will the government honour its election pledge not to raise taxes?

* be based in: ~에 기반을 두다, 본부를 두다
ex> The couple work frequently in Seoul but are based in Tokyo.

* be up to: ~에 달려있다
ex> It's up to me to take care of my children.

* on board: 승선하는, 동참하는
ex> I want everyone on board with this new policy.

@ We're not seeing eye to eye.  우리의 생각은 다르네요.

1. Please address the situation now.
2. We want to combat obesity in children.
3. So far we don't have any ingredients for the pie.
4. It's up to you to fix this.

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