
2013년 2월 28일 목요일

PE 2/26 Anna Wintour Interview, "Ice Queen"

1. not to put too fine a point on: used when you are about to speak very directly or honestly, 까놓고 말해서, 노골적으로 말해서
ex> I don't want to put too fine a point on this, but this essay is plagiarized. 
ex> Not to put too fine a point on it, I think you've been a complete idiot. 

2. at the helm of: ~을 책임지고 있는, 이끄는
ex> Who will be at the helm of this new project?

3. don't know the first thing: 아무것도 모르다
ex> Those people don't know the first thing about fine wine!

* ice queen: 냉정한 여자

* fruits of one's labor: 노력의 대가/결실  ex> reap the fruit of one's labor

* demanding: 요구가 많은, 쉽게 만족하지 않는 
ex> The work is physically demanding.

* relevant: 관련이 있는, 적절한 ex> a relevant suggestion / question / point

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