
2015년 11월 6일 금요일

11/2 Mobile Messaging

Talk about mobile chatting.

I rarely sent text messages these days. Instead, I use a messaging app called Kakao Talk to chat with other people. It is one of the most-used chatting apps in Korea. There are tons of emojis I can use to express myself. Some emojis are free, but you have to buy most of them. Plus, I can share pictures and video clips on the app. You can also send digital gift vouchers to people. Next, I am in many group chatrooms. Some chatrooms are personal and some are work-related. Group chatrooms can get annoying sometimes if too many messages come up. So, I turn off the alert for most group chatrooms.

* emoji 이모티콘
* digital gift voucher 기프티콘
* turn off the alert 알람을 끄다

@ Speaking Tips: work-related  업무와 연관된
업무와 연관성이 있다는 말을 할 때 사용할 수 있는 표현이 work-related이다. 같은 맥락으로 health-related라고 하면 '건강과 관련된'이라는 말이 된다.
ex> I get a lot of work-related stress. (나는 업무와 관련된 스트레스를 많이 받는다.)

@ I'll message you the directions찾아가는 방법 메시지로 보낼게.

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