
2015년 11월 6일 금요일

11/4 Mobile Social Networking

Talk about doing social networking on your phone.

I use my cell phone most of the time to do social networking. In fact, the vast majority of people now use their cell phones to do Facebook or Instagram. Because these services have become more mobile-friendly. it's easier to post things with our phones. User patterns have changed because of this trend. I make status updates 24/7 as I always have my phone on me. I leave replies on other people's postings and press the LIKE button if I like a posting. I do these things on the go. It's a great way to kill time when I'm just sitting around not doing anything in particular.

@ Speaking Tips: kill time
시간 때우다
별로 하는 일 없이 시간을 때운다는 말을 할 때 사용하는 영어 표현은 kill time이다. 누군가를 기다리며 시간을 때운다는 의미로 쓰기에 가장 좋은 표현이다.
ex> I watched a movie to kill some time. (나는 시간을 때우기 위해 영화를 한 편 봤다.)

@ It made me crack up나 완전히 빵 터졌어.

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