
2015년 11월 6일 금요일

PE 11/4 Smaller Portions for Modern Diners

* put someone or something on the map: to bring recognition, respect, or fame to someone or something
ex> Their mixed martial arts classes are what put them on the map, but now they tech traditional kung fu as well.

* pig out: to eat a large amount of food
ex> Exercise isn’t enough to lose weight if you’re still pigging out on fatty foods.
Note> It is actually a common and enduring myth that pigs are greedy. In fact, a pig will never eat more food than it needs – unlike some humans!

* red flag: an indicator of a potential or existing problem.
ex> If someone is spending more and more time alone, that could be a red flag.

* in the cards: likely or certain to happen
ex> She got the feeling that a promotion wasn’t in the cards for her.
Note> The “cards” referred to in this expression are tarot cards (pronounced ta-ro). These were European playing cards from the Middle Ages which were later used to “read” one’s future.

* joint: a place of business (slang)
ex> Can you believe how many burger joints there are around here?

* shift gears: to suddenly change one’s attitude, opinion, or actions
ex> I realize we haven’t finished discussing your salary, but I’d like to shift gears and talk about our company’s new logo.

* epic: 대단한, 인상적인, 영웅적인
The original and correct meaning of this word relates to a traditional long-form poetry genre that describes the deeds and adventures of historical heroes. It later came to be used to describe other large or long works, and has now become a popular slang term meaning “very impressive.”
ex> It was absolutely epic. I’ll notify you when I post all my pictures.

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