
2016년 1월 23일 토요일

PE 1/12 Tom Ford – CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund

* precisely: exactly; clearly; specifically
ex> Mortimer arrived at precisely four o’clock, set down his bag, and stood waiting for Dr. Allison.

* to the point: to such a degree or extent
ex> Debbie’s interruptions have gotten to the point where I can’t get anything done.
Note> You have to pay close attention to the context since this phrase can also mean concerning the important or essential issue. This usage is often put as come or get to the point, meaning “address the important issue.”

* get out now: to abandon a pursuit immediately
ex> After watching the value of my portfolio decline for months, I decided I should get out now.

* light at the end of the tunnel: an encouraging sign of improvement during a long and difficult situation
ex> Don’t be discouraged by all this hard work: I’m sure there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

* contemporary: occurring in the present period or during the same period as what has been referenced
ex> Albert was familiar with all the major participants in the contemporary art scene.

* rush: a brief sense of excitement or pleasure; great thrill
ex> I can’t stand being in crowds, but you seem to get a rush from it.

* industry: 산업, 업계
Industry also means “energetic, committed activity at a task”. For example, “Sarah approaches her schoolwork with great industry in the morning, but less energetically in the afternoon.”
ex> I could see that the record industry was in decline, and I was in the mood for a change.

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