
2016년 1월 29일 금요일

PE 1/25 A Box of Memories

* laugh oneself silly: to laugh uncontrollably
ex> They stood outside the pet store, laughing themselves silly at the kittens’ antics.
ex> It’s very cute the way you can laugh yourself silly watching the same video over and over again.

* memento: an object kept to remind one of an event or person
ex> My great aunt kept all her theater programs as mementos, then discovered they had become quite valuable.

* choked up: to be unable to speak or ready to cry due to strong emotion
ex> My mom became more emotional as she got older, and would get choked up watching TV commercials.

* jumble: an untidy collection of things
ex> Her bedroom was a jumble of clothes, paperbacks, tissue boxes, and magazines.

* stand a chance: to have a possibility or hope of success
ex> Do you think we stand a chance of having our proposal accepted by the committee?

* not see hide nor hair: to not see someone or something at all
ex> That new assistant was supposed to start this morning, but I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her.
Note> In this case, hide is not the verb that we’re familiar with. It’s the noun form which means the skin of an animal.

* sift through: 꼼꼼하게 살펴 추려내다
This expression is very similar to the expression sort through, but not quite. Sifting through something implies that the items are and will remain in a random state, but sorting through suggests that the items are or will be more orderly.
ex> I guess we’ll have to sift through the data again and see where we went wrong.

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