
2016년 1월 23일 토요일

PE 1/7 Return to Antigua

* on one’s own terms: according to one’s wishes; in the context of one’s perspective
ex> I’ll consider resuming my old position, but only on my own terms.

* dodge: to avoid something by moving quickly
ex> Experienced bicycle couriers dodge traffic so artfully that they can reach their destinations much faster than cars in the inner city.
Note> Dodgeball is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves.

* recharge one’s batteries: to restore one’s energy through rest and relaxation
ex> Can we please take a break to recharge our batteries before we continue the workout?

* lead one up/down the garden path: to deceive one or waste their time by giving them false information
ex> Mike told me there was a great new shoe store in this area, but he may have been leading me up the garden path.

* bet one’s bottom dollar: to be very certain
ex> If Angie says she’s going to do something, you can bet your bottom dollar she will.

* gusto: much energy and enthusiasm
ex> The group attacked the cleanup project with gusto, and they were finished in less than two hours.

* stretch the truth: 진실을 왜곡하다, 사실을 과장하다
To stretch the truth is not as malicious or even as intentional as telling a lie. It is possible to suggest that a peer has stretched the truth without offending them.

ex> I’ve just been reading about how advertising agencies used to really stretch the truth in their ads.

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