
2016년 1월 29일 금요일

PE 1/28 Antigua History Comes Alive

* out on the town: enjoying an evening of public social activity
ex> My parents like to dress up and go out on the town once or twice a year.

* jumping: (of a place or event) very popular and active
ex> It’s quiet now, but this place really starts jumping after midnight.

* hit it out of the park: to accomplish something very successfully
ex> I thought your last show was really good, but tonight you hit it out of the park.

* heyday: the period when someone or something is most successful, popular, or able
ex> In his heyday, my dad could lift his own weight over his head and hold it there.
ex> Although her heyday was over thirty years ago, her concerts still sell out within hours.

* shrinking violet: a very shy person
ex> Judy was a shrinking violet before she took that public speaking course.

* sleep in: to sleep for longer than usual
ex> I was an hour late to work today because I slept in.

* pull up in: 차량을 타고 도착하다(멈추다)
Without the preposition “in,” pull up also has the more literal meaning: “to raise with a pulling motion.” You can pull up some water in a bucket, or your pants in a hurry
ex> Your friends wouldn’t care if you pulled up in a wagon. They’ll just be happy to see you.

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