
2016년 1월 23일 토요일

PE 1/15 A Ring for All Seasons

* couldn’t/can’t help but: could not prevent or avoid
ex> Excuse me, but I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re looking for the same address we are.

* for fear: out of concern that the specified outcome could occur
ex> He never drove in winter for fear that his precious truck would rust.

* questionable: unlikely to be true or honorable
ex> Nate’s brother has some questionable ideas about the origin of the universe.

* play the field: to date multiple people without committing to anyone
ex> Are you planning to play the field while we’re studying at different colleges?
Note> This comes from horse racing where people can reduce their risk of losing by betting on more than one horse. If they bet on all the horses, they would be literally playing the field… displaying an interest in lots of different horses.

* chick magnet: someone or something that strongly attracts women
ex> I actually enjoyed walking your puppy because he’s a real chick magnet.

* diamond in the rough: someone or something whose positive qualities are hidden by a rough appearance
ex> My friend Barb can walk into any antique store and come out with a diamond in the rough.

* player: 바람둥이

ex> Some people had warned me that he was a player, and it turned out to be true.

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