
2016년 1월 29일 금요일

PE 1/18 Pop’s Parking Puzzle

* conundrum: a confusing or difficult problem
ex> Unable to stop thinking about the conundrum facing her, Elspeth lay awake for hours.

* throw in the towel: to admit defeat; quit
ex> It’s getting late and we’re nowhere near being finished, so let’s throw in the towel.

* be all ears: to be eager to hear what one is going to say
ex> If you think you know a better way to make money, I’m all ears.

* clear as mud: very confusing
ex> Jim’s explanations are always clear as mud, so I’d prefer to ask someone else.
Note> This phrase is usually used to humorously explain that there was a problem in somebody’s question, answer or explanation. “The teacher’s lecture was clear as mud.” Basically, I have no idea what the teacher said.

* be a breeze: to be very easy
ex> Finding your place was a breeze, thanks to the excellent directions you sent me.
Note> A breeze (noun) is a light wind that is usually pleasant. So if something seems like a breeze, it will be pleasant and thus very easy.

* highway robbery: a bill that is much too high but must be paid
ex> Zach’s face showed that he thought the restaurant bill was high way robbery

* screwball: 미친, 별난, 말도 안 되는
Screwball is also a noun meaning a person who is eccentric, crazy, whimsical, absurd, or irrational.
ex> It’s a screwball idea if you ask me, but most of yours are, and they still work out somehow.

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