
2013년 1월 17일 목요일

1/14 Agwijjim

* braising [breɪz]: fry it quickly and then cook it slowly in a covered dish with a small amount of liquid  ex> braise beef

* anglerfish/angler: 아귀

* be paired with: ~와 짝을 이루다
ex> The white wine was paired with fish.

* be seasoned with: ~로 양념을 하다  ex> The sausage was very highly seasoned.

* mince: cut it into very small pieces  ex> minced beef/minced garlic

* scallion: 파, spring onion

* fiery: 매운, 불같은, 뜨거운  ex> a fiery Mexican dish
ex> The spaghetti was too fiery to eat because of being seasoned with hot chilly pepper.

* heaping: 수북한, 가득함
ex> She added a heaping of whipped cream to my hot chocolate.

* impart: tell it to them, give 전하다, 주다
ex> The spice imparts an Eastern flavour to the dish.
ex> The tea is added to the cake to impart a bitter flavor.

* concoct [kən|kɑ:kt]: 만들다, 지어내다
ex> She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence.
ex> The famous chef could concoct wonderful dishes from everyday ingredients.

* know better (than that/than to do something): ~할 정도로 어리석지는 않다
ex> He knows better than to judge by appearances.

* palatable: 맛있는   ex> The food looked terrible but was quite palatable.

@ They're not in season.  그것은 제철이 아니에요.

1. The green tea was paired with 찹쌀떡.
2. You have a very fiery temper.
3. The honey will impart some flavors and sweetness to the dish.
4. My mom is good at concocting meals from leftovers.

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