
2013년 1월 25일 금요일

PE 1/24 Wall Street

1. go the extra mile: 특별한 노력을 기울이다
ex> A good customer service professional will always go the extra mile to make sure the customer is satisfied.

2. go up in flames: 사라져 버리다, 없어지다
ex> I have bad luck, My plans always go up in flames.

3. bring down: 도산시키다, 붕괴시키다
ex> Sometimes just one line in a contract can bring a whole company down.

* partake: 먹다,마시다, 참가하다  ex> They preferred not to partake in the social life of the town.
* insider: 내부자
* first-hand account: 경험자의 이야기

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