
2013년 1월 3일 목요일

1/3 Baked Sweet Potatoes and Roasted Chestnuts

* freezing, biting cold, nippy, very cold
ex> It's nippy today.

* crisp [krɪsp]: weather that is pleasantly fresh, cold, and dry.. ex> a crisp autumn day
ex> She loves crisp and fresh mountain air.
ex> We have crisp potato chips and tasty cookies.

* permeate [pɜ:rmieɪt]: 퍼지다, 스며들다
ex> When she opened the curtains, the bright sunshine permeated the room.

* bring back memories: 추억을 생각나게 하다
ex> This song brings back many pleasant memories.
ex> These pictures bring back beautiful memories of Loas.

* iron barrel: 철통
* briquette [brɪ|kɛt]: a small brick made of compressed coal dust, sawdust, charcoal, etc, used for fuel, 조개탄

@ I can eat this all day.  하루 종일 먹을 수도 있겠어.

1. The smell of new furniture permeated the house.
2. They bring back a lot of good memories.
3. Where can I get some firewood?
4. It just taste better when you add gochujang.

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