
2013년 1월 21일 월요일

1/17 Anonymous

* unidentified: nobody knows who or what they are.  ex> an unidentified virus
ex> There is an unidentified woman at my door.

* hacktivist: (also hactivist) 컴퓨테 시스템에 침입하여 정치, 사회 운동하는 해커

* anarchic [ænɑ́:rkik]: do not recognize or obey any rules or laws.  ex> anarchic attitudes and complete disrespect for authority.
ex> The book was about a future anarchic society.

oppose: disagree with what they want to do and try to prevent them from doing it.
ex> This party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.

* surveillance: 감시 사찰

* have a hand in: ~에 관여하다, 참가하다  ex> The plan was basically your idea but I heard Frank had a hand in it too.

* in public: 공공장소에서, 공개적으로
ex> Are you going to wear that in public?

* paint: ~을 평하다, 표현하다

* uninhibited: to express their opinions and feelings openly, and behave as they wan to, without worrying what other people think.   ex> uninhibited dancing

* do what they please: 하고 싶은 대로 하다
ex> Kids usually do what they please.

@ Do as you wish.  너 하고 싶은 대로 해.

1. The body of the victim is unidentified.
2. The rare artwork originated in Ancient Greece.
3. He strongly opposes to the proposal.
4. I don't know why you let them do what they please.

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