
2013년 1월 1일 화요일

12/31 Income Tax Return

1. file: (서류를) 제출하다, 보내다, 보관하다
ex> With the slow economy, a significant number of small businesses are filing for bankruptcies.
ex> They filed for divorce after 10 years of marriage.

2. get something done: ~을 마치다, 끝내다
ex> You have to get that done by tomorrow no matter what.

3. tedious: 지루한, 싫증나는
ex> Applying for a work permit in England can be a very tedious process.

4. electronically: 전자적으로, 컴퓨터로
ex> Sending letters electronically was a revolutionary idea back then.

5. hire: 고용하다
ex> I called them but they told me they weren't hiring.

6. refund: 환급, 환불하다
ex> Sorry, no refunds or exchanges are allowed for Final Sale items.

* tax return: 소득세 신고
* payroll: 급여, 급여 대상자 명단
* professional accountant: 공인회계사

@ They'll wire it straight to your account.  너의 계좌로 곧바로 입금해 줄 거야.

1. He decided to file a lawsuit against her.
2. You have to get your homework done by 9.
3. His speech was extremely tedious.
4. We didn't hire her because she had no previous experience.

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