
2013년 1월 30일 수요일

1/29 TV Shows

* finale [fɪ|nӕli]: 마지막 부분, 피날레
ex> Did you see the season finale of "Friends"?

* set in: ~을 배경으로 한
ex> The book is set in Medieval Europe.

* eclectic [ɪ|klektɪk]: wide-range and comes from many different sources.  다양한
ex> The art collector had an eclectic array of pieces.

* sneak-peek: a preview, esp of sth not yet public.  살짝 엿보는 것
ex> She gave me a sneak-peek at her wedding dress.

* glamorous: attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things,
= glossy (glossy hair)
ex> Some of the world's most beautiful and glamorous women

* lure in: 유혹하다, 꾀다
ex> She's trying to lure me in with her cooking skills.

* current obsession: 현재의 집착, 푹 빠져 있는 것
ex> Male actors have a current obsession with feminine make-up.

* comedy sketch show: 코미디 촌극  ex> The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.

* howl with laughter [haʊl]: 자지러지게 웃다

@ I prefer substance over style.  나는 겉모습보다는 알맹이가 더 중요해.

1. The show's finale was so dramatic and sad.
2. The story is set in modern times.
3. She has original and eclectic fashion style.
4. Is F1 car racing your current obsession?

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