
2013년 1월 23일 수요일

1/22 Ulleungdo

* off the coast of: ~의 해안에
ex> The bluefin tuna was caught off the coast of California.

* get away from: ~에서 떠나다, 휴가를 가다
ex> She wants to get away from her mundane job.

* rugged [|rʌgɪd]: uneven and covered with rocks, with few trees or plants.
ex> They admired the rugged beauty of the coastline.

* lush: have a lot of very healthy grass or plants.  무성한, 우거진  ex> the lush green countryside

* primeval [praɪ|mi:vl]: things that belong to a very early period in the history of the world.  태고의, 원시적인  ex> primeval forests (원시림)

* make one's jaw drop: ~의 입이 떡 벌어지게 하다
ex> His absurd behavior really made my jaw drop.

* in other words: 다시 말해서

* bring back: ~을 가져오다, 사서 돌아오다
ex> My friend brought me back a nice souvenir.

@ I can't get enough of this.  아무리 먹어도 질리지 않아.

1. How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?
2. I want to get away from the city life.
3. The news will make your jaw drop.
4. Can you bring me back a bottle of Coke?

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