
2014년 3월 11일 화요일

3/11 Talk about the last time you went to the dentist.

I went to the dentist for my regular check-up and to get my teeth cleaned last month.
* regular check-up: 정기 검진
ex> I got a regular check-up last year but nothing showed up.
* get one’s teeth cleaned: 스케일링 받다
ex> I’ve never gotten my teeth cleaned at the dentist.

Most of it was business as usual.
* business as usual: 평상시대로

My dentist scraped the plaque off my teeth.
* scrape off: 긁어내다
* plaque: 치태

Unfortunately, it turned out that I had a cavity and would need to get a filling.
* have a cavity: 충치가 생기다
ex> I have a cavity in one of my molars.

First, the dentist froze my gum around the tooth. Then he drilled a hole in the tooth.
* freeze one’s gum: 잇몸을 마취하다
ex> The dentist froze my gum and pulled the tooth out.

It was like nails screeching down on a chalkboard.
* screech down: 긁어 내리다
ex> The car screeched to a halt outside the hospital.
* on a chalkboard: 칠판에

My mouth was numb from the freezing.
* be numb: 얼얼하다, 감각이 없다
ex> My mouth was numb because the soup was very spicy.

@ His teeth are growing in 그는 이가 자라고 있어.

1.      I didn't get a regular check-up last year.
2.      I get my teeth cleaned on a regular basis.
3.      I didn't know that I had a cavity.
4.      My toes are numb because my feet are so cold.

@ Related Topics>> Dental Care

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