
2015년 12월 20일 일요일

PE 12/16 What to Do with Ugly Fruit

* produce: food or other goods obtained through farming
ex> Our neighborhood convenience store has started carrying some produce.

* let something slide: to neglect something
ex> John took piano lessons for many years, but he let it slide when he went to college.

* bat a thousand: to do something perfectly or successfully
ex> I’ve sold something to every customer today, so I guess I’m batting a thousand.
Note> In the baseball world, batting (a) 1000 in major league baseball is considered perfect. Please note that this phrase is often used sarcastically.

* get rid of: to discard; dispose of
ex> My bedroom is much more organized now that I’ve gotten rid of all the clothes I wasn’t wearing.

* brainstorm: a sudden idea; a group session to gather ideas
ex> Unless someone has brainstorm, I suggest we maintain our current advertising strategy.

* there’s a lot to be said for something: the idea has many strong merits
ex> There’s a lot to be said for finishing one project before starting another.

* put out: 내놓다, 내다 놓다
Put out is an expression with many meanings. It means “to extinguish,” as in “Firefighters put out the blaze in minutes.” In British English,, put out means “annoyed.” It also means “to place outdoors,” as in “Please put out the cat before you come to bed.”
ex> Danielle, would you please put out these Christmas cookies on top of the display counter?

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