
2015년 12월 30일 수요일

PE 12/29 David Brooks – Wake Forest University Commencement Speech

* through the ages: over a long period of history
ex> Judging from what has been left behind, the personalities of humans have changed very little through the ages.

* feel (it) in one's bones: to be instinctively aware of something
ex> There's going to be a big storm tonight: I can feel it in my bones.
ex> You can feel it in your bones when a piece of music was written for a loved one.
Note> The origin of this saying comes from someone who has arthritis or rheumatism, and when cold and wet weather approaches, they will be able to feel pain in their bones.

* over the years: during the course of one's life
ex> My cousin became much easier to get along with over the years.

* pick up: to learn or acquire without great effort
ex> Cynthia picked up chess after watching just a few games being played.

* posse: a group of temporary law enforcement officers; a group of people who share a common characteristic
ex> The sheriff gathered a posse of men to help him find the escaped prisoner.
Note> The classic image of a posse is from the Old West, of a group of armed cowboys on horses, in pursuit of an outlaw. Originally the term was posse comitatus, Latin meaning the force of the country. Today, the word posse is used most often to refer to a group of friends or people with some common interest.

* entourage: a group of attendants or associates accompanying an important person
ex> The secret of my fame was that I assembled an entourage early in my career.

* think hard: 잘 생각하다, 골똘히 생각하다
An alternative version of this expression is think long and hard. The meaning is the same.
ex> I'm going to have to think hard about how to use mine.

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