
2015년 12월 7일 월요일

PE 12/4 The Art of Furniture Arranging

* busy as a beaver: very busy
ex> Jake was busy as a beaver in his room, making a model bridge out of balsa wood.

* appreciative: grateful; showing pleasure
ex> Last night’s audience was both appreciative and generous: our donation box was full.

* lie through one’s teeth: to boldly say something that is completely false
ex> I lied through my teeth and told him I was twenty-nine.
Note> When I think of this expression, I imagine a person who is completely lying and smiling at the same time. Very deceitful.

* put one’s heart into something: to do something with passion; have an emotional investment in an outcome
ex> Because Nicole had put her heart into the audition, I couldn’t tell her that she’d prepared the wrong piece.

* rationale: a set of reasons for believing or doing something
ex> Detectives are unsure of the thief’s rationale for stealing such an odd collection of paintings.

* here and there: in a few separate places
ex> Snowdrops appear here and there in the yard by the end of February each year.

* bust one’s butt: 매우 열심히 일하다
This expression is derived from one that is more vulgar, but this version should still only be used between peers in a casual setting. A more polite equivalent expression would be knocking oneself out or breaking one’s back.
ex> Why should I bust my butt to put these posters up while you’re just sitting in the truck?

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