
2015년 12월 7일 월요일

PE 12/3 Warm Enough in Moscow’s Red Square

* nuts: insane
ex> We really enjoyed our time in Italy, but the drivers there are nuts.

* ahead of time: earlier than the specified time; beforehand
ex> The recipe suggests preparing the dry ingredients ahead of time.

* pinch pennies: to spend as little money as possible; be frugal
ex> My wife and I pinched pennies for several months so we could afford this trip.
Note> Based on this definition, a penny-pincher is a person who is very careful with money. In many cases, you’re so careful with money that you actually look cheap. Basically it has a negative connotation.

* for one’s own good: for one’s benefit, even it is unwanted
ex> Trish might not like the taste of this cough syrup, but it’s for her own good.

* make one’s way: to go towards a destination or goal; achieve success in life
ex> It was already 3 o’clock when she left the house, so Kathy made her way to the gallery as quickly as she could.

* get it over with: to eliminate a duty by performing it soon
ex> He performed his military service as soon as he could to get it over with.
Note> Usually this is said because you have to complete an unpleasant or tedious task. You have to do it so you do it quickly and don’t have to deal with it later.

* afterward: 나중에
As with forward, backward, and toward, this word is sometimes spelled with an “s” at the end, especially in non-North American forms of English. The meaning is not affected by adding the “s.” Note that afterward has a homonym. An afterword is an additional section at the end of a book, usually written by a different author ..
ex> Can we do that afterward? I’d like to finish putting these things away first.

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